SiliconEdge™ Audio & Video Interviews (Page 1)
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No Cultural Kool-Aid here -- only Reality-based, Results-Driven discussions, techniques and case studies. All designed to not just get you to think but to get you the results you desire or require, faster, easier and more profitably than ever before. |
SiliconEdge Interview Part 1/2:
What It Is, Why It Matters (The Philosophy and Purpose of SiliconEdge) (HD) Running Time: 29:32 Summary: |
SiliconEdge Interview Part 2/2:
Leadership vs Management and Women Leadership Development (HD) Running Time: 31:21 Summary: |
SiliconEdge's Tour of Our Training Programs (HD)
Running Time: 00:39 |
CEO Today Interview: Psychological Jujutsu (Explained & Explored) HD
Running Time: 04:50 Summary: |
CEO Today Interview: Results-Driven Executive Coaching (Explained/Explored) HD
Running Time: 05:48 Summary: |
Asia Biz Interview: 3 Powerful Points for Entering Japan / Asia Markets (HD)
Running Time: 08:07 Summary: 1. Make sure product is localized (L10N), if not, at least internationalized (i18n). 2. English -- just because they speak it, doesn't mean they think like native English speakers (not to mention cultural differences between native speakers (US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc.). 3. Cultural Differences / Mindsets |
Cloud Computing: What It Is, What It Isn't, Why It Matters (2009)(Tokyo 2Point0) HD
Running Time: 14:26 Summary: This presentation was delivered way back in 2009 just as Cloud Computing and the various business models were making noise outside of deep tech circles. You can find the slides here: Cloud Computing:What It Is, What It Isn't, What It Matters |